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The Comic Bookies

Jul 26, 2019

The Comic Bookies are back for another week of sports and comics entertainment. Training camps are just around the corner, and what does a death in boxing mean for the future of sports safety? And in comics, everything post San Diego Comic Con and 'City of Bane' is finally here. 

Jul 20, 2019

Happy Comic Con Week ladies and gentlemen! The Comic Bookies are here for another week of sports and comics news and entertainment. San Diego Comic Con is here, as are our reviews of the week for some books and for Spider-Man: Far From Home. And on the sports side, the rumors are out there for the MLB trade deadline and...

Jul 14, 2019

Mike is rocking solo this week down in Southern California. His cousin Matt and uncle John jump on with him talking everything comics. Topics include next week's San Diego Comic Con, the new Batman, Marvel vs. DC comics and the infamous Moon Knight.

Jul 12, 2019

The Comic Bookies are back from a long Independence Day weekend. Sports topics include Kawhi finally making a decision, the Home Run Derby and numerous delays at Daytona. And on the comics side, we rane and rave about streaming services, Stranger Things and Comic Con. 

Jul 4, 2019

Mike and Mark are back in the cave (or laundry room) for another episode colliding sports and comics. Three book reviews for you this week, including one that'll hopefully get fans excited. And the NBA free agency is going bonkers in a matter of two days.